Stinky Cheese Tuesday, September 2nd, 2014


Hooray for another bad cell phone picture!  I think that I am just going to quit apologizing for them.


Anyway, on to the cheese!

On the far left we have King’s Choice Havarti with Caraway.  This is a good cheese, but I won’t lie, nobody claimed it as a favorite.  The havarti cheese base is quite competent, being both buttery and nutty and the caraway seeds are a pleasant enough addition.  The two flavors do compliment each other quite well being almost like a grilled cheese on rye bread.  It just isn’t quite up to snuff compared to the other cheeses from today.

Center left is Sartori Balsamic BellaVitano.  Everything that I’ve ever said about Sartori cheeses is summed up in this one chunk of deliciousness.  The balsamic flavor is subtle, a casual addition to the robust, salty goodness of the underlying BellaVitano.  This one garnered the most votes for favorite of the day and with good reason.  This is a thoroughly wonderful cheese, and one that I enjoy every time I get it.

Center right is Bauer Butterkäse.  This one also got a fair number of votes.  It is an extremely mild, semi-soft cheese, rich with buttery creaminess.  I was told that it was unctuous and it was strongly suggested that I include that word in the description, so there you have it!  Butterkäse is a very smooth cheese that would melt quite well if you are looking for something to put in your grilled cheese or macaroni.

Far right is my favorite, Great Midwest Morel and Leek Jack.  This cheese is simply amazing.  The morel mushrooms confer a deep earthiness to the cheese, while the leek is herbaceous and light.  It is a savory delight that makes my taste buds sing!

Stay cheesy!