Stinky Cheese Tuesday, August 18th, 2014


Once again, Tuesday is upon us, and the cheese is stinky and plentiful!  And you have yet another crappy cell phone picture to accompany the post!  Huzzah!

From left to right, we have the Cypress Grove Midnight Moon, an aged goat cheese that was positively divine.  It had an asiago thing going on with a sharp saltiness, with a very goaty finish.  This was probably my favorite of the day, and more than a few people agreed.

Next up is today’s winner, Clawson Blueberry Fayre.  This is a white stilton with blueberries, and I swear that it tastes like cheesecake.  This is a very sweet offering that almost has a Wensleydale texture to it, very soft and slightly crumbly.  I love this cheese and could eat way too much of it if left unattended.

Lastly is Sartori Raspberry BellaVitano.  This cheese is one of Sartori’s masterpieces.  I’ve waxed poetic about their offerings in the past, and this is one of their best.  The raspberry flavor could easily be something that overpowers the gentle saltiness of the BellaVitano, but instead it is just the barest hint of the sweet and tart from the raspberries.  This cheese is also one of the favorites at work.

Until next week, stay cheesy!