Category Archives: Cheese Making

Previously Mentioned Big News


I had mentioned Big News in Tuesday’s SCT post, and I think that I am ready for the announcement.  This doodad up top is the controller that I’ve just finished for my Cheese Aging/Ripening Chamber of Doom.  That’s right, I am going to start making my own cheeses in addition to just bringing the cheeses of others in.

The details of the cheese making will be posted here, but if you want details about the making of the controller and the chamber itself you can check out Jake’s SBC Channel on Red Matrix.  All of the components of the controller board are open hardware, meaning that the schematics are freely available, and the software is completely open source.  The controller will work with any refrigerator or freezer of any size so if you have an interest in making one of your own, all of the instructions will be here.  Possibly elsewhere as well, depending on if anyone else wants to host them.

With any luck, mid-April I’ll have a home made Camembert to bring in for everyone to try out!

Stay Cheesy!

@Cheese Forum+